Shuttle Sub

Used to install and retrieve equipment, lay cable and conduct salvage operations, the Shuttle Sub has been designed to provide an efficient and cost-effective way to deploy heavy payloads.

The buoyant-controlled sub can float, dive, surface and maintain neutral buoyancy for operations in deepwater environments on – or near – the seabed.

Deep Blue Engineering managing director David Webster said that the Shuttle Sub is essentially a remotely operated vehicle (ROV) in its own right, but is combined with a transport function.

"Whether installing generating equipment, laying cables, mining, conducting exploration or salvage operations, the industry needs a safe, efficient transport capability – a delivery vehicle – and the Shuttle Sub fulfils that role," Webster added.

Deep Blue Engineering will submit the first Shuttle Sub to rigorous testing in near future and is planning to form a joint venture with an umbilical manufacturer aimed to fast track development through to commercialization of the technology for cable and umbilical deployment.

"An umbilical manufacturer with exclusive access to this technology will be capable of offering lighter weight umbilicals for deepwater applications, and steel tube flying leads that are tens of kilometres in length, with the potential for simultaneous deployment and trenching," Webster continued.

Image: A Deep Blue Engineering developed Shuttle Sub. Photo: courtesy of Deep Blue Engineering UK Ltd.