The firm has decided to close the two southern Ohio’s facilities by june 2018 due to economic woes.

Dayton intends to close the J.M. Stuart and Killen plants as they would not be economically unviable after mid-2018, reported Reuters.

With around 490 employees, both facilities along the Ohio River in Adams County generate around 3,000MW of power with coal.

Based on the discussions between Power & Light, the Public Utilities Commission of Ohio and environmental group Sierra Club, the closure of the facilities is being planned.

DPL was quoted by The Hill as sayin: "Along with our co-owners of the plants, we have completed a thorough review of our options and it has become clear that, without significant changes in market conditions, the plants will not be economically viable beyond mid-2018.”

DPL is a public utility, which provides electricity to residential, commercial, industrial, and governmental customers in West Central Ohio.

The firm generates electricity at eight coal-fired power plants, supplying to around 515,000 retail customers. Before 2000, the company also supplied natural gas to the customers.

Sierra Club's Beyond Coal Senior Campaign Representative Dan Sawmiller said:"These coal plants are unable to compete against the cleaner, cheaper options demanded by customers to meet their energy needs.

"Today’s announcement underscores the profound national trend away from coal, and it remains critical that the needs of the workers and the communities affected by these decisions are appropriately addressed."