Drilled to a measured depth (MD) of 4,512ft, the Gerald Grove H-10 well logs and other measurement data specify that the horizontal section of the wellbore encountered 3,000ft of oil-bearing sandstone.

Daybreak Oil and Gas president and chief executive officer James Westmoreland said the company’s recently drilled oil wells are undergoing completion operations.

"The Company and App have hydraulically fractured the Gerald Grove H-7, H-8 and H-9 oil wells and final completion operations are ongoing on these wells," Westmoreland added.

"The Gerald Grove H-10 oil well is scheduled to be hydraulically fractured the week of May 19, 2014. We expect to put all these wells on production during June 2014."

The drilling rig at the well has been released to another operator while Daybreak and App Energy (App) will use the rig to drill another series of wells at the Twin Bottoms Field at the end of four-well drilling cycle.

"Location work has also begun on the next series of wells that the Company and App plan to drill in their ongoing 20-well development drilling program."