The companies have launched a new initiative that enables UK householders to sign-up to Google PowerMeter, a free online tool that connects to Current Cost devices, enabling users to receive real-time energy information on their customized Google homepage, wherever they are.

Current Cost said that its collaboration with Google will allow real-time data on how much energy is being consumed in the home to be sent directly to the Google PowerMeter.

This free software tool then visualizes the information for users to view on their own iGoogle homepage, a personal web portal which enables individuals to create and access a range of customizable information, web feeds and Google Gadgets.

Martin Dix, managing director of Current Cost, said: ”As a result of our landmark agreement with Google, users now have immediate and flexible access to information that will enable them to change their energy habits.

”Both parties are very excited about the new partnership which aims to empower people to cut energy wastage, reduce costs and reduce their carbon footprint.”

Devices that integrate with Google PowerMeter will first be available in North America, the UK, Australia and New Zealand.

E.ON has also partnered with Current Cost to offer its UK customers a Google PowerMeter compatible energy monitor as part of its free ‘Energy Fit Starter Pack’.