The fuel system economically produces biogas-based fuel to power compressed natural gas (CNG) vehicles.

The landfill’s BioCNG vehicle fueling station will operate in conjunction with an existing landfill gas electrical generation system.

The system will fuel site vehicles, with the potential to expand to supply fuel to waste trucks and other county vehicles.

Cornerstone president Richard Peluso said the system provides a simple technology for private industries and municipalities to produce their own vehicle fuel at a fraction of the cost of gasoline or diesel and get similar or better engine performance.

BioCNG can be produced from a variety of biogas sources, including landfills, wastewater treatment plants, and agricultural and food waste digesters.

The fuel can be used in vehicles that are manufactured or converted to use CNG vehicle fuel.

The company said the basic BioCNG system uses 20 to 200 standard cubic feet per minute of biogas to produce 100 to 1,000 gasoline gallon equivalents of BioCNG per day and can be expanded if necessary.

Cornerstone is an engineering and environmental consulting firm.