In Scotland, the Rhodders and Burnhead Moss wind farms are respectively located in the regions of Clackmannanshire and Central Lowlands:

– Rhodders comprises six turbines and has 12.3 MW in installed capacity. It is the second extension of the 26.7 MW Burnfoot Hill windfarm commissioned in 2010, in addition to the 4.1 MW at Burnfoot North in 2014.

Electricity generated by the Burnfoot Hill facility as a whole (43.1 MW) corresponds to the annual energy needs of around 23,000 Scottish households.

– With 13 turbines, the 26 MW Burnhead Moss wind farm provides enough power for the equivalent of 14,500 Scottish households each year.

In England, southern Yorkshire, the 8.5 MW Park Spring wind farm consists of three turbines.

Its yearly electricity production equals the energy consumption of 4,600 English households.

The operations and maintenance of Park Spring is provided by EDF EN Services UK, a subsidiary of EDF Energies Nouvelles’ locally dedicated to this activity and of EDF Energy.

Today, EDF Energy Renewables has wind energy of around 600 MW in gross installed capacity in the United Kingdom, including 62 MW from offshore.