The contract requires CNPV Solar to supply Donauer with a total of 200MWp of high performance PV modules from 2011 to 2013, providing 40MWp of PV modules during 2011 and 60MWp and 100MWp in 2012 and 2013 respectively.

By supplying the European insured solar PV modules, CNPV Solar Power hopes to enable Donauer Solartechnik to provide its customers with security on their investment, a considerable annual return and long duration.

Donauer Solartechnik Vertriebs CEO Donauer said that Donauer Solartechnik’s choice of CNPV as its major Asian supplier was based not on geography, but on their ability to join the company in delighting the solar end users.

"The strategic agreement is evidence of our confidence that together we can offer even more assurances and investment returns to our solar PV customers and hence grow our market," Donauer said.