The plant, which is being developed at Quetta will cost the developers nearly $900m, is expected to be completed by 2016, reported Tribune.

During a press conference, Provincial Secretary Energy Fuad Hashim Rabbani remarked that the government has leased 1,500 acres of land in Khuchlak and Pishin for the project.

"This project will help overcome the shortfall of electricity in Balochistan.

"Currently, the local population of targeted areas are using kerosene lanterns, which is hazardous to the health and non-economical due to the intermittent price hike," added Rabbani.

The energy produced in the plant will be used to meet the electricity requirements of medical facilities such as hospitals, Basic Health Units.

Also, installation of solar street lights is amongst other benefits of the project.

The energy minister has also added that the government is planning to install 20 solar powered water pumps in 10 districts of the province under water supply schemes.