The plant, which is said to be the only LNG plant in Shaanxi Province in China, anticipates that the LNG plant will make a significant contribution to its business model by the end of the fiscal year 2010, the company said.

With the completion of the LNG plant single-machine test run and ignition, the company is about to build its own LNG fueling stations, which will further the company’s strategic vision of an integrated LNG operation that covers production, distribution and marketing.

Qinan Ji, chairman and CEO of China Natural Gas, said: “It is with extraordinary pride that we happily announce the completion of the single-machine test run and ignition ceremony of the company’s Jingbian liquefied natural gas plant.

“As a county, city and provincial-level key project, the plant endured once-in-a-century snowstorm, the May 12 earthquake, 2008 financial crisis and lasted 1,015 days to complete the single machine test run and ignition.”