Production from biomass recorded the highest growth, with electricity generation from this renewable source reaching 158,301MWh within CEZ, while its production for the whole year 2005 was 115,337MWh. This year, CEZ’s fluid boilers have burnt 160,639 tonnes of biomass.

Compared to the previous year, wind power plants have generated the least electricity. Their production in the first nine months of this year has totaled only 114MWh, while in the same period of the previous year, CEZ wind power plants generated 388MWh. The figures have resulted from shut-downs of two of the three wind units at the Mravenecnik plant.

Hydro power plants, as well as the company’s photovoltaic power plant, have maintained roughly the same level of production. Only small hydro power plants have recorded a slight increase in generation.

The Hodonin plant accounts for a full third of biomass combustion within CEZ, the company said. The plant generates electrical energy through mixed combustion of biomass and lignit, and is looking for other suitable types of biomass to use, such as residues from bio-alcohol production.

CEZ also reiterated that it intends to further develop utilization of its renewable sources in the future. In the next 15 years, the company is planning to invest total CZK30 billion into this area, around CZK20 billion of which will go to construction of new wind power plants.