CEZ chief executive officer and chairman of the board of directors Daniel Beneš said, "The completion of the Temelín Nuclear Power Plant is a key pillar of CEZ’ strategy; therefore, we are happy to have received three bids from major global vendors of nuclear technologies."

AREVA in the bid has offered its EPR reactor design and technology for the safety and benefit of the Temelín nuclear station.

AREVA CEO Luc Oursel said with four EPR units under construction in Finland, France and China, the company has a unique extensive licensing and EPC contract experience from which the Temelin project will fully benefit, offering to CEZ a high level of confidence for competitive, on-time and on-budget project delivery.

"Our EPR™ reactor is the reference technology for advanced safety and is the only generation III+ reactor to be licensed and under construction in Europe," Oursel added.

Westinghouse Electric Company has offered its certified AP1000 standard plant design in the bid for the 3 and 4 unit of the nuclear station.

Westinghouse Electric Company interim president and CEO Shigenori Shiga said, "Westinghouse’s proposal meets or exceeds all mandatory requirements established in the Temelin Tender to provide CEZ with the most economically advantageous proposal."

MIR.1200 consortium led by ŠKODA has Russian firms Atomstroyexport and OKB Gidropress as the other members who together joined forces for the project and has proposed VVER-1200 design for the nuclear plant.

The bidders had eight months of time to prepare the bids which CEZ will evaluate, discuss all the offers and then decide on the final winner.

The company will award and sign the final contract in late 2013.