In total, Brigham has completed 39 consecutive high frac stage long lateral Bakken and Three Forks wells in North Dakota with an average early 24-hour peak flow back rate of approximately 2,777 barrels of oil equivalent.

Brigham has also updated on its drilling and completion activities in the Williston Basin.

In Mountrail County, North Dakota, Brigham reported the completion of the Clifford Bakke 26-35 #1H well, which was completed with 38 fracture stimulation stages, at an early 24-hour peak flow back rate of approximately 5,061 barrels of oil equivalent (4,438 barrels of oil and 3.73mmcf).

In McKenzie County, North Dakota, Brigham completed the Abelmann 23-14 #1H well at an early 24-hour peak flow back rate of 4,169 barrels of oil equivalent (3,745 barrels of oil and 2.55 MMcf).

The Abelmann 23-14 #1H was completed with 33 frac stages.

In Williams County, North Dakota, Brigham is in the process of flowing back the Brad Olson 9-16 #2H, which is being completed with 32 fracture stimulation stages and represents Brigham’s 40th long lateral high frac stage completion.

Current flow back results indicate the early 24-hour peak flow back rate will be within the range of early 24-hour peak flow back rates for other Brigham operated Rough Rider wells.

By monitoring frac wing performance of the well with a deployed micro-seismic array and monitoring continued well performance, Brigham hopes to delineate the potential to drill incremental infill wells beyond the currently envisioned three wells per spacing unit.