The Breitling-Brown Billy #1 Prospect is expected to be drilled to 4,900ft to test for the Yegua and Petus oil and gas sands.

The trapping structure is generally defined by subsurface well control with the interpretation and proposed location confirmed by integrating 3D Seismic from Breitling’s shoot in 2011.

Breitling Oil and Gas CEO Chris Faulkner said the company was up-thrown to a structure on the Yegua and Pettus, trapped by a large, arced, up-to-the-coast fault.

"This is one of the most reliable traps in this trend," Faulkner added.

The company is expecting to reach the total depth in about six days and the well completion and testing on the Breitling-Brown Billy #1 well is planned to commence during the last week of June 2012.

US based Breitling Oil and Gas, an independent exploration and production company, which applies modern petroleum and natural gas exploration and extraction technology to the development of onshore oil and natural gas projects.