The well in which the company has an approximately 31% was completed with swell packers and 32 fracture stimulation stages.
The second infill well in the Brad Olson 9-16 unit, the Brad Olson 9-16 #3H well, was also drilled late this summer in the same 1,280 acre spacing unit.

During the completion of the Brad Olson 9-16 #2H well, the unit was monitored with a micro-seismic array to evaluate the frac wing performance of the first infill well in the unit.

The company said that the resulting information will be used to determine optimal spacing for the remaining well or wells in the unit, and could delineate the potential to drill additional infill wells beyond the currently envisioned three wells per formation, per spacing unit.

If results indicate that four to six wells may be required to effectively drain the spacing units, which is yet to be determined, US Energy ‘s drilling inventory could increase to 120 to 180 total gross wells, according to the company.

The remaining four initial wells under the DPA with Brigham, the Kalil Farms 14-23 #1H, Lloyd 34-3 #1H, MacMaster 11-2 #1H and the Hovde 33-4 #1H, are expected to be drilled and completed during the fourth quarter of 2010.