The transition pieces will link the monopile foundation of offshore wind turbines with the towers.

Of the total transition pieces, 56 will be manufactured by Bladt Industries at its Offshore Structures Britain’s (OSB’s) facility at Haverton Hill near Billingham in Teesside.

Bladt Industries CEO Jan Kjærsgaard said: “Since the decision to invest in OSB in 2015, we have undertaken a full upgrade of the facility and have employed close to 200 employees.

“This order will follow our two first orders for Burbo Bank Extension and Walney Extension and will secure our capacity utilization for approximately one full year.”

Bladt plans to manufacture the remaining 40 pieces at its facilities in Aalborg, Denmark.

Hornsea Project One program director Duncan Clark said: "As well as making a significant contribution towards decarburizing the UK power system, Hornsea Project One is a huge infrastructure project which is providing a real boost to regional UK firms."

Bladt also has a contract to deliver three offshore substations for the wind project.

Clark added: "It's great to see the figures increasing – this order is three and a half times the size of our initial order with OSB in 2015.

“The suppliers we've worked with on Hornsea Project One are building their capabilities to support more UK projects, and can look forward to further opportunities including the potential for export."

Scheduled to be commissioned in 2020, the project is expected to power over one million UK households.

Image: Bladt will supply 96 transition pieces for Hornsea Project One offshore wind farm in the UK. Photo: Courtesy of Bladt Industries A/S.