The hydro project’s Francis type hydro generating units were synchronized with the grid, enabling the Rwanda’s installed generating capacity to increase by 24% from 119MW to 147MW.
Owned by the Rwanda government, the project has been financed under the Government of India’s Line of Credit.
BHEL was responsible for the implementation of the hydro-mechanical and electro-mechanical packages for the Nyaborongo project.
The power facility’s major equipment includes hydro turbines, generators, transformers, controls, monitoring and protection systems and switchgear.
The Indian company also marked its presence in other African nations too, including Sudan, Libya, Ethiopia, Egypt, Zambia, Tanzania, Uganda, Nigeria.
BHEL has contracted more than 28,000MW of hydropower projects worldwide, and has the capacity to set up similar schemes starting from their design, engineering, supply / logistics, erection until the commissioning.