The government also concluded plans to upgrade Imiringi’s existing gas turbine plant to generate an additional 114MW, which will bring the plant’s total generating capacity to 214MW.

Financed by Deutsch Bank, the new power project is scheduled to be executed under a private public partnership agreement between the company and the government, and forms part of the state Governor Seriake Dickson’s promise to develop critical infrastructure that will create enabling environment for foreign and local investments to flourish in the state.

Following completion, a portion of the power generated will be sold to the national grid to help generate income for the state and the company for a year after its commissioning.

Speaking during an interview at Bayelsa House in Abuja, Independent Power Energy president Ian Duff said the investment in Bayelsa is based on the favorable reports it had received about ongoing developments in the state in the last couple of years.

Duff also stressed that the company is ready to build a first class independent gas power plant, and deliver new turbine with the latest technology, within the specified timeframe.

Apart from employing Nigerians, primarily Bayelsans, who will also be trained with the latest technological skills of gas turbine operations and maintenance, the company will also establish a clinic to take care of the workers’ health needs, Duff noted.