When fully operational, Babcock & Brown’s $700 million project will have 118 turbines with maximum output expected to be 283.2 MW per annum, enough power to supply around72,000 homes.

Iberdrola’s $400 million wind farm will have around 84 turbines, each can generate 2.4 MW per year for a total output of about 202 MW, enough to power 40,000 average homes.

Officials from the two companies have said they are not sure when all turbines will be operating. However, ERCOT says all of Gulf Winds’ turbines are anticipated to be operational by September 2010.

“The Kenedy county projects were two of a record number of new wind power projects to be announced, expanded or opened in 2007 and 2008”, said Julie Clendenin, a spokeswoman with the American Wind Energy Association. She expects the final tally to reach 7,500 MW for 2008.