The latest survey is the first part of planned exploration work at PLN. Aeroquest Airborne of Ontario has completed the helicopter-borne 400m line-spaced VTEM max survey totaling 303 line-km in the northern half of the property.

The VTEM max survey has been created to provide higher resolution over anomalous conductive areas of interest observed from previous airborne magnetic-electromagnetic surveys.

Completed over a five-day period, the survey was flown along NW-SE flight-lines at a nominal flight height of 35m above ground.
The VTEM max survey should ideally locate basement conductors and/or enhanced sandstone alteration at the expected unconformity depths in the range of 250-600m below surface.

Aeroquest recently completed data acquisition and is currently completing post-processing, with the processed data expected to be received shortly with data interpretation to follow by Fission’s technical personnel and Living Sky Geophysics.

Azincourt is also planning a single line 6.3 line-km ground based magnetotellurics survey later this autumn as a follow-up to the airborne survey.

The summer/fall geophysical program is budgeted at $0.53m and comprises additional ground Time Domain Electromagnetic (TDEM) and Magnetotellurics (MT) geophysical surveys. The total budget for the summer and winter programs scheduled at PLN has been set at $1.5m.