The service meets the needs of increasing equipment reliability challenge for wind parks. Many of the turbines that went into service over the past several years are reaching the end of manufacturers’ warranties, putting wind park owners at risk for equipment failure. Because wind turbines are complex machines that operate under an infinite range of loads and conditions, utilizing traditional automated monitoring and alarming systems can be ineffective. Azima DLI has monitored wind turbine parks in North America and Europe for years, and has proven that the WATCHMAN Remote methodology is successful.

Time and experience have shown that online monitoring hardware alone is not enough to ensure wind turbines are running at peak performance. Simply collecting reams of data does nothing more than overwhelm wind park owners with data overload, said Jonathan Hakim, president, Azima DLI. Our WATCHMAN Remote service was designed to overcome these critical access and data challenges, without requiring wind park owners to make significant capital investments. With continuous surveillance capabilities, a web-based alert system and around-the-clock access to the industry’s most experienced machine analysts and engineers, wind park owners can re-gain their confidence about the reliability and future performance of their equipment in one cost-effective, turn-key program.

WATCHMAN Remote provides wind park owners with a virtual expert condition monitoring team for a fraction of the cost of maintaining an in-house program. Once under contract, machinery is constantly monitored by Azima DLI’s expert analysts and results are made available online through the Azima DLI WATCHMAN Reliability Portal(TM). Using this web-based portal, Azima DLI provides regular status reports on all equipment and issues immediate alerts about faulty performance. The WATCHMAN Remote service tracks and incorporates details such as widely varying wind turbine rotational speeds and in-line oil particle analysis into the monitoring system.