Atlantis conducted a series of tests which were designed to yield data on drive train efficiency, control system validation and the analysis of the thermal properties of components under electrical load.

Commenting on the testing Atlantis CEO Tim Cornelius remarked that the company had learnt a great deal about its AR1000 turbines during the program.

"Most importantly, the solid performance of the turbine in tough, simulated offshore conditions has given our engineering team confidence in the performance, integrity and reliability of the AR1000 turbine system.

"Our team and all of our technology contractors will now take time to review and digest the data collected, which will feed into future design considerations.

NAREC operations director Tony Quinn added, "Accelerated life tests, conducted from the relative sanctuary of an onshore test facility, will significantly advance the development cycle for tidal turbines and give developers in the UK a real edge as the marine energy industry approaches commercialization."

Following its onshore testing at NAREC, the company is also planning offshore testing of the turbines before moving to delivering the turbines to its customers.