“We continue to see growing demand for Zeba in a number of crops and across a range of geographies worldwide,” said Milan Savich, president and chief executive officer of ATI. “Our technology is unique and we’re actively protecting our intellectual property and the interests of our investors as we develop new markets and revenue opportunities.”

Farmers apply the Zeba granules to the soil where the product holds the water and nutrients for the seeds and plants to use during critical growing periods. With growing concern over dwindling water available for the agriculture, Savich envisions a rapidly expanding market for the Zeba where irrigation and rain water will have to be more efficiently utilized.

According to the website of California’s official Department of Water Resources: “California is facing the most significant water crisis in its history. After experiencing two years of drought and the driest spring in recorded history, water reserves are extremely low. With the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta ecosystem near collapse, court-ordered restrictions on water deliveries from the Delta have reduced supplies from the state’s two largest water systems by twenty to thirty percent.”

“Zeba was designed to improve crop performance through more efficient use of available water,” said Savich. “It is clear that better water management has never been more important, not only in terms of improving yields, but in drought areas, in terms of producing crops at all.”

ATI now holds six US patents with several more under the review. The company has distribution for Zeba in over 10 countries and holds a number of patents to protect their new Zeba formulations in those markets.