The company has commenced negotiations with labor organizations over the planned lay-offs. It intends to achieve cost savings of €1bn by 2017.

Areva CEO Philippe Knoche said: "Whatever may be the options chosen to implement the strategic roadmap and define the financing plan, it is urgent to take the necessary measures to adapt the costs of our business to the reality of its markets.

"This consultation aims to jointly build the best solutions to maintain our expertise and industrial employment."

The company said that consultations will be made at the group level, within the various entities and then at the site level.

Reuters cited Areva human resources director Francois Nogue as saying: "We expect 3,000 to 4,000 job cuts in France and 5,000 to 6,000 globally, but more towards 6,000."

Areva plans to carry out first stage of negotiations during May and June, followed by an information-consultation phase with the relevant labor organizations.

The company, which recorded a loss of €4.8bn in 2014, is also planning to reduce investments and improve performance in purchasing.