Selected through a competitive bidding process, Apex’s ProField technology, a full enterprise resource planning platform for mobile workforce management, is expected to be utilized for execution of the project from start to end.

ProField manages a full spectrum of deployment activities, such as safety management, asset management, remote management of field operations, as well as hiring/training and real-time reporting.

VIWAPA Transmission & Distribution director Clinton Hedrington said, "The advanced ProField technology, with its focus on efficiency and work safety, were the key aspects that made Apex and ProField the best choice for VIWAPA.

Apex CEO Shashi Gupta said, "Apex is proud to share in VIWAPA’s goal of enhancing the economic development and quality of life for the people living in the U.S. Virgin Islands and surrounding areas."

All customers living in VIWAPA’s service territory are scheduled to receive new electric AMI meters as part of the project.

Pre-planning and system integration is now underway and related fieldwork is ecpected to commence shortly.

AMI technology is anticipated to help VIWAPA improve its customers through remote meter reading, improved outage management and seamless delivery of reliable power.

In addition, the technology provides detailed information about usage and cost, enabling customers to make more informed decisions about consumption.