The Heqet-2 was drilled to a total depth of 14,700 feet, about half a mile from the Heqet-1 discovery drilled in the Faghur Basin in 1991. The new well is about 66 miles southwest of Apache’s large Qasr gas and condensate field and 66 miles east of the Libyan border.
The Heqet Safa oil accumulation is estimated to be about 835 acres. The prospective area of the Jurassic oil play fairway associated with the Faghur Basin is estimated to comprise approximately 830 square miles, mostly within Apache-operated concessions.
Apache also said that the Umbarka-174 well tested approximately 4,300 barrels of oil per day (bopd) from 46 feet of perforations in the Alam El Bueib sand in a 40-year-old field also located in the Greater Khalda area.
The Umbarka field, which was discovered in 1968, has produced a total of 33 million barrels of oil. Since taking over operation in March 2001, Apache has drilled 137 wells in the field and increased production from about 1,100bopd from five wells to the current level of 15,000bopd.