The Hogshooter wash is shallower, younger and more oil-prone than previous Granite Wash targets in western Oklahoma and the Texas Panhandle.

The two wells were drilled more than 15 miles apart in Beckham County, Oklahoma, near the east/west axis of the Granite Wash play.

The distance between the wells points to meaningful potential in the Hogshooter segment across a broad area, and Apache controls 200,000 gross acres in the Granite Wash play and leased nearly 30,000 net acres in 2010.

The Edler #1-5 well, located in Section 5 of Township 11N-20 W of Beckham County, commenced production at a daily rate of 2,050 barrels of oil and 3.7 million cubic feet (mmcf) of gas.

The well was drilled to a vertical depth of approximately 11,360ft with a 4,360ft horizontal section before it was completed in eight stages. Apache owns an 82% interest in the well.

The Thetford #4-23 well, located in Section 23 of Township 11N-23W of Beckham County, initially produced 2,100 barrels of oil and 3.2mmcf of gas per day.

It was drilled to a vertical depth of approximately 10,900ft with a 4,280ft horizontal section and then completed in nine stages. Apache owns a 56% interest in the well.

After almost two months on production, each of the wells is averaging approximately 700 barrels of oil and 3.5mmcf of gas per day.

Apache currently is operating nine horizontal rigs in the Granite Wash play and plans to drill a third horizontal Hogshooter well by the year-end.

For 2011, the company plans to add a tenth horizontal rig and drill more than 40 horizontal Granite Wash wells – including 10 in the oil-rich Hogshooter.