Planned to be built at German shipyard Neptun Werft, the ICE Class 1A Super LNG carrier is scheduled to be delivered in the last quarter of 2017.

The carrier will transport LNG to two terminals at Tahkoluoto in Pori, and Röyttä in Tornio that are expected to enter service in 2016 and 2018, respectively.

The vessel will use LNG boil-off gas to power its main and auxiliary engines. It will comply with emission regulations.

Anthony Veder CEO Jan Valkier said: "For Anthony Veder this will be the fifth small-scale LNG carrier operating in the Northern European area. Furthermore this brings the total of LNG fueled vessels in our fleet to seven."

Gasum CEO Johanna Lamminen said: "The new vessel supports our strategic aim to develop the Nordic LNG infrastructure and gas market, furthering our possibility to offer a much more competitive product for end users in the maritime and industry sectors."

For its subsidiary Skangas, Gasum already has charter contracts with Anthony Veder for two LNG carriers and one LNG bunker feeder. The vessels are currently deployed in the North and Baltic Sea.