Dan Delurey, executive director of DRSG, welcomed the new members and said that the expansion and the increased diversity of organization would help its efforts to educate policy makers on the many ways that demand response and smart grid technologies can help lead the nation towards economic recovery.

There is now widespread recognition that an effort to modernize our electricity system will pay enormous dividends in terms of job creation, lower energy bills, and increased reliability and security of the grid, said Delurey. Not only is the Smart Grid being viewed as part of economic recovery, but also as key to expanding renewable energy and reducing greenhouse gas emissions. The role of smart grid technologies and demand response practices in enabling the rapid introduction of intermittent and variable renewable energy is an essential one. Without a smart grid to accommodate and deliver it, and without demand response to balance or replace it when it is not available, the level of renewable energy that is desired or expected may not actually be reached.

Delurey noted that the new members are an example of the way that the smart grid space is growing as a business opportunity for large and small businesses alike. The ‘tent’ is getting larger each week, as more companies enter the demand response and smart grid space, added Delurey.

Amplex is a Denmark-based provider of intelligent management solutions.

Energy Curtailment is a US-based demand response provider.

Enfora is a US-based provider of wireless networking solutions.