The 4,051ft short lateral in the Bakken formation was fracture stimulated with 14 stages. American owns an approximate 33% working interest in this well.

American also said that the Ron Viall 1-25H well, located in T156N-R98W sections 24 and 25 in Williams county, North Dakota, that produced 2,844 barrels of oil equivalent from the Bakken formation during an early 24 hour flow back period, averaged approximately 1,748boe/d during its first seven production days. It owns a 95% working interest in this well.

Drilling operations continue with both of American’s operated drilling rigs. Complete operations are expected to commence in late-June on the Bergstrom15-23H well (95% WI) and in mid-July on the Johnson 15-35H well (82%WI).

Both of these wells are planned for an approximate 9,600ft lateral in the Bakken formation and fracture stimulation with a minimum of 30 stages, the company said.

Pat O’Brien, CEO of American Oil & Gas, said: “With our two rig continuous drilling program underway and production from recently completed wells, we expect increasing oil and natural gas production volumes should favorably impact the company’s financial metrics during the current quarter.”