The company, as part of the project helped the city upgrade the infrastructure in 47 municipal buildings, city schools and public gathering venues to make them energy efficient.

Ameresco implemented over 23 energy conservation measures and operational upgrades at 28 schools and 19 municipal facilities.

The company handled designing and installation besides taking over operation of five roof-top mounted solar PV systems totaling 341.9 kW at three elementary schools, a middle school, and the Lowell Memorial Auditorium.

With the infrastructure upgrade now complete, the city expects to save $1.5m worth energy per annum over the 20-year term of the contract with Ameresco.

Commenting on the completion of the project, Ameresco senior vice president William J. Cunningham said, "Not only are these projects expected to result in significant energy cost savings for the City, but they also allow members of the community to witness first-hand the implementation of clean energy and sustainability practices that will reduce their overall environmental impact."