This project will help reduce transmission congestion and provide utility customers in Missouri with greater access to low-cost energy, including wind energy; improve power reliability; create approximately 200 new construction jobs and help the state of Missouri meet the voter-approved Renewable Energy Portfolio Standard (RPS).

Landowners affected by the route are being notified by letter. The route map and additional information is available at

The new 345,000-volt transmission line will run from Palmyra to Kirksville and then north to the Iowa border. The new line will be about 100 miles in length. The project also includes construction of the new Zachary Substation at Kirksville, and is scheduled for completion in 2018.

The selection of the final route was made following two series of public open house events, meetings with community representatives, and a thorough analysis of the comments and suggestions received from landowners and other interested residents. In addition, ATXI representatives met with numerous groups to explain the project and receive their input.

"We received a significant amount of input during our public open house sessions and in meetings with various groups. We took all of this feedback into consideration during our planning process. We are deeply appreciative to all those who took the time to make constructive suggestions. This information helped our route designers develop the best possible route," said Peggy Ladd, director of Ameren Transmission Stakeholder Relations.

The Mark Twain Project is one of several MISO (Mid-continent Independent System Operator) Multi-Value Projects approved in 2011. ATXI will submit the planned Mark Twain Transmission Project to the Missouri Public Service Commission (PSC) for review.