The proposed work is in relation to facilities previously constructed and operating in accordance with approvals granted in Permit and Licence No.U2004-451,1 Licence No. U2002-700,2 and Licence No. U2002-699,3 for transmission lines 606L, 746L, and 746BL, respectively.

Alberta Transportation requested AltaLink relocate portions of transmission lines 606L and 746L further east within the Transportation and Utility Corridor along Anthony Henday Drive, also known as the Edmonton ring road.

The relocation was requested because transmission lines 746L and 606L conflict with the widening of the ring road. Transmission lines 606L and 746L will generally be relocated between 10 metres and 70 metres to the east of the current location.

The segment of transmission line 746L to be relocated is approximately three kilometres in length and the segment of transmission line 606L to be relocated is approximately 800 metres in length. The relocation involves salvage of the existing segment and construction of new facilities in the new alignment.

Approximately 50 metres of transmission line 746BL, which connects to transmission line 746L, would be salvaged to accommodate the move. The project is located in the east Edmonton industrial area, with major oil refineries and other existing and planned industrial infrastructure making up most of the land use in the area. There are no residences within 800 metres of the project.

1 Permit and Licence No. U2004-451, Application No. 1368505, December 20, 2004.

2 Licence No. U2002-700, Application No. 1274771, December 13, 2002.

3 Licence No. U2002-699, Application No. 1274771, December 13, 2002.

The Alberta Utilities Commission

AltaLink stated that the project would include the salvage of existing structures within a wetlands area. AltaLink also stated that it has discussed this issue with Alberta Environment and Sustainable Development – Water Department and confirmed that no Water Act approval would be required to salvage poles in this area of wetlands.

AltaLink stated that it applied for Historical Resources Act clearance and committed to conducting a historical resources impact assessment for the project if it is required. AltaLink stated that no construction activities would commence until Historical Resources Act clearance has been obtained.

The project cost is approximately $3,050,000 within an accuracy of plus or minus 30 per cent. Alberta Transportation would cover $1.5 million for relocation of portions of transmission lines 746L and 606L subject to existing AltaLink’s easements. AltaLink would cover the remaining cost of $1,550,000 from its Capital Replacements and Upgrades budget. AltaLink identified that the project must be constructed between April 1 and June 30, 2014 to accommodate Alberta Transportation’s schedule for completion of the ring road.

AltaLink requires ministerial consent from Alberta Infrastructure prior to commencing work within the Transportation and Utility Corridor. AltaLink stated that it submitted a ministerial consent application to Alberta Infrastructure for the project. A copy of the ministerial consent must be filed with the Commission once received.

In accordance with the requirements of Section 12 of the Hydro and Electric Energy Regulation, AltaLink has provided information respecting the need, nature, extent, land affected, land ownership and the timing of the work. AltaLink has also stated that no adverse environmental impact will be caused by the proposed work.

Based upon the information provided, AltaLink has demonstrated that the proposal is of a minor nature, no other person is directly and adversely affected by the proposal and no adverse environmental impact will be caused by the proposed alterations, thereby meeting the requirements of Section 11 of the Hydro and Electric Energy Regulation.

The Commission approves the application. No amendment is required to the permit and licences.