power transmission

Under the €47m contract, Alstom will supply a Static VAr Compensator (SVC) to the Jeddah substation located on the coast of the Red Sea in western part of Saudi Arabia.

The company will also deliver two capacitor banks to the Wadi Jaleel substation in Mecca, located about 200km from the city of Jeddah.

The SVC (-150/+300MVAr at 110kV) is expected to improve and increase power transmission stability as well as quality across Saudi Arabia’s power transmission network.

The project is scheduled to be completed by 2016.

Additionally, the system will provide fast voltage support at substations, stabilising power supply and strengthening the transmission grid.

The company will supply two 100 MVAr capacitor banks to the Wadi Jaleel substation in Mecca, and extend an existing gas-insulated substation at Jeddah North 380 kV BSP (Bulk Supply plant), as part of the contract.

Alstom will manufacture the equipment at its facilities in Tampere (Finland) and Riyadh (Saudi Arabia).

Alstom Grid Grid Power Electronics and Automation senior vice president Patrick Plas said: "Saudi Arabia is one of the most significant and demanding market areas for power compensation systems.

"This contract strengthens our position as one of the world leading suppliers for FACTS technology and is a proof of the competitiveness gained with our innovative technology."

Image: Alstom was selected to increase power transmission stability and quality across Saudi Arabia. Photo: courtesy of ALSTOM