As per the agreed terms, the company will supply 34 units of 3MW wind turbines from its ECO 100 wind turbine platform.

These wind turbines incorporate Alstom Pure Torque technology, a rotor support concept that protects the drive train and other components from deflection loads that ensures reliability and performance while reducing maintenance costs, Alstom claimed..

The Sureste I, Stage II wind farm, which will become completely operational at the end of 2014, is anticipated to generate around 350GWh of clean energy, by reducing 238 metric tons of CO2 emissions annually.

Commenting on the deal, Alstom Wind senior vice president Alfonso Faubel said, "Alstom is happy to contribute to the diversification of energy sources in the country and to take an active part in helping the country achieve the targets established by authorities to increase the amount of power generated from sustainable resources in the national energy-mix."

Currently, Mexico has an installed wind power capacity of 1.4GW and is aiming to increase its wind power capacity to 12GW by 2020.

The Sureste I-Stage II power generation project has been awarded to Enel by the Federal Electricity Commission, under the external energy producer scheme.