Presently, the monthly bill for a typical residential customer using 1,000 kilowatt-hours is around $83. After the proposed rate increase, the monthly bill is expected to be around $95, an increase of about $12 or 14% compared to current rates. The consumer price index has increased by 44%, since the company’s last base rate increase in 1994.
Paul J. Evanson, chairman, president and chief executive officer of Allegheny Energy, said: “We haven’t had a base rate increase since 1994, but this request is necessary to recover added costs of doing business and maintain the financial stability of our West Virginia operations.”
Monongahela Power and The Potomac Edison Company, both subsidiaries of Allegheny Energy, have jointly announced the filing. The filing requests a return on equity of 12.25%.
The company, in order to help customers to manage their bills, offers a budget plan, special payment plans, and access to energy assistance programs. Allegheny Power’s Watt Watchers programs are also said to offer information and programs to help its customers manage their electricity bills and use energy more efficiently.