Under the agreement, Algae.Tec will provide its technology for any waste-to-energy plant built by Phoenix Energy.
Working with Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Environment and Chemical and John Holland, Phoenix Energy is currently negotiating contracts to develop centralized facilities that take waste from groups of municipalities in Australia.
Phoenix Energy managing director Peter Dyson said that the design of the algae-to-biofuels technology, which will capture the CO2 produced by the plants and convert it to algae products, will allow it to be easily integrated into the plant site without the need for the large ponds that are required by other algae type applications.
"When compared to the alternative of landfilling waste and the electrical energy generation derived from coal, waste to energy plants such as our already significantly contribute to a net abatement of CO2 emissions.
"However we are constantly looking to improve this even further and that’s why we are very excited about the Algae.Tec deal, as we believe they have the best and most efficient carbon capture technology in the world," added Dyson.