The Dillon #1 well, which is located on approximately 204.4 acres was originally drilled to approximately 3,600ft with first production in 1985 from the lower Huron Shale. The well did not target shallower zones known to be oil bearing.

The re-entry recompletion program plans include several candidate shallower zones totaling 317ft of sands that have been analyzed as potentially oil productive. Alamo believes that the cumulative production from the recompleted well may be as high as 20,000 barrels of oil.

In addition to the Dillon #1 well, Alamo has also secured options to participate with Allied Energy in the re-entry of additional wells across 1,520.4 acres in West Virginia. The acreage contains 12 re-completion and four Drilldown wells with the opportunity to drill new wells on 25-acre spacing.

Alamo is focused on the exploration, development and production of onshore oil and gas reserves in the UK and US.