The company said that the recompletion of the Valentine #1 well drilled in 1981 is targeting the upper shallow zones identified as the, 5th Sand formation from 2810′ – 2714′, Gordon sand from 2642′ – 2528′, 30ft. Sand from 2348′ – 2320′, Gantz sand from 2294′ – 2226′ & Berea sand from 2196 – 2190′ ft.

The company said that it conducted a three stage, 5,500 barrel slick water fracture using 50,000lbs of 20/40 mesh sand for propping up the formation. Averaging a 1,658psi injection rate at 38.8 barrels per minute of fluid during the fracturing process.

Initial results are very encouraging as it now has 216ft of oil/gas formations open down to the top of the 5th Sand with 1,000psi on the wellhead. The well is now in the process of being hooked up to the processing and metering facilities to commence production of oil and gas.