Consultant Aecom Technology Corp is to buy Canadian firm Tecsult in a move to strengthen its capabilities in the hydropower sector, in particular, and renewables more widely.

The acquisition of the consultant is subject to regulatory approvals. The strategic move already has shareholder approval from the Montreal-based firm, which has 1,100 employees and a core strength in hydropower, Aecom said.

In a statement, Tecsult chief executive, Luc Benoit, said: ‘We are very proud to become Aecom’s global centre of excellence in hydropower and dams, and to be taking a leadership role in Aecom’s international development programme.’

Aecom’s chief executive, John M Dionisio, added: ‘Aecom is expanding its energy practice – particularly in hydropower.’

Tecsult, which was established in 1961, is active globally and will become part of Aecom’s international development group with a focus on hydropower but also addressing infrastructure needs such as water and transport as well as continue to be active in the Canadian market.