Scottish Enterprise has launched the third round of the WATERS fund. The first two WATERS funds, WATERS 1 and 2, helped six marine energy developers with £14.8m.

The WATERS 3 funding call will support research and development activities in Scotland to bring several marine energy devices to commercial application.

Energy Minister Fergus Ewing said this latest funding round follows the success of our earlier WATERS support to help developers bring their devices to full-scale testing.

"The WATERS complements our other funding initiatives and incentives we have in place such as the £18 million Marine Renewables Commercialisation Fund, the Renewable Energy Investment Fund and the Saltire Prize.

"Our ambition for Scotland’s emerging wave and tidal sector remains great. We know that the successful harnessing of ocean power takes hard work and persistence and the Scottish Government is determined to support those within the industry," Ewing added.