The company’s CEO Richard Spink will unveil a plan today at the New Ukraine 2015 Investment Conference in Kiev.

As part of the PPA, the company will commercialize timberland and forestry assets for clean energy power generation in the country.

Spinks’ speech at the conference will detail how the proposed PPA initiative will help the country in implementing its Sustainable Energy Action Plans to improve energy efficiency, achieve compliance with the European Union (EU) energy market and secure power generation sources.

Spinks said: "There has never been a better time for the progressive government of Ukraine, led by President Poroshenko, to adopt the Public Private Partnership model.

"It’s the essential accelerant to drive inward investment into Ukraine and will provide further evidence to the international business community that the country is ‘cleaning up its act’ and is open for business."

Currently, the country’s renewable energy accounts for about 0.6% of its power generation capacity, compared to EU goal of producing 20% of power from renewable sources by 2020.

In addition to developing a national network of biomass-fuelled power plants, the company aims to work with the government to build and operate clean energy biomass power plants in the country.