The Arbuzovskaya No. 1 well at the Arbuzovskaya (formerly Varyakhskaya) prospect located 10 km east of the Lineynoye oil field in Licence 61 was spudded on 10 October 2010. The Upper Jurassic J1, oil reservoir horizon was intersected at 2,566 meters measured depth.

Logs indicate that the J1 interval consists of 19.0 meters of sandstone and shale. Approximately 5.0 meters of the upper most part of this interval is considered to be continuous net pay with good reservoir properties and oil saturation throughout.

The company said that an open hole test was conducted over this interval and tested at a pro-rated inflow of 289 bopd unstimulated. The oil is high quality with an API gravity of 40 degrees which is consistent with other fields in the Licence area.

According to the company, the well will now be drilled to basement, at approximately 2,900 meters, targeting higher risk secondary objectives in the Middle and Lower Jurassic intervals.

The company plans to complete the well by the end of November .

This discovery well adds a fifth oil field to the northern group of fields and will be included in Phase 2 of the development.

Arbuzovskaya is the first well of a five well exploration program designed to potentially double the company’s 2P reserve base within the next 12 months.

PetroNeft Resources CEO Dennis Francis said that they are delighted to commence their new exploration campaign with the discovery of a fifth oil field at Licence 61.

"This is an especially important discovery, because of the good flow rate it confirms the wider prospectivity of a number of additional structures east of the existing producing Lineynoye oil field which can be easily tied in to the central processing facilities and pipeline at Lineynoye," Francis said.