NEC Energy Solutions has received a contract from the Netherlands-based GIGA Storage to deliver 12MW energy storage project, named GIGA Rhino.

Supported by over $4m financing through crowdfunding programme, the GIGA Rhino project forms part of the Test Centre for Renewable Resources from the Wageningen University & Research (WUR).

The project also received a subsidy from the Netherlands Enterprise Agency ( within the framework of the “Demonstration Energy and Climate Innovation” scheme.

GIGA Rhino project to be built next to the Neushoorntocht wind farm

Planned to be built at the WUR test center in Lelystad next to the Neushoorntocht wind farm, the system will enable increased amounts of renewable energy on the grid, while making it more stable through balancing the local smart grid.

GIGA Storage CEO Ruud Nijs said: “Due to the increase in sustainable renewable energy on the grid, there is an increasing need for energy storage.

“Storage and control of electricity is crucial for a reliable and affordable energy system. The GIGA Rhino energy storage system is the first step in making it possible to close down coal-fired power stations.”

The energy storage project will have the capacity to provide grid resiliency for approximately 5,000 homes.

Additionally, the energy storage system will be used for Frequency Containment Reserve (FCR) and imbalance and curtailment services.

NEC Energy Solutions EMEA sales director Mark Moreton said: “The GIGA Rhino system is our first project in the Netherlands and we are thrilled to partner with GIGA Storage, WUR, and Windnet.

“This is a landmark project since it is not only the most powerful energy storage system in the Netherlands, but it will also stabilize the grid and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.”

NEC is serving as the battery supplier for the project while GIGA Storage is the owner and manager. Windnet is the owner of the local smart grid.