NEB decisions and orders issued prior to the Federal Court of Appeal decision will remain valid, unless the NEB decides that relevant circumstances have materially changed. The NEB may review any of these decisions or orders of its own motion, due to new information from Trans Mountain, or an application for review.

As part of the detailed route approval process, Trans Mountain must issue notices to landowners along the entire route, including those that were served previously, and publish notices in local newspapers. The NEB will also notify potentially affected Indigenous peoples, advising of the detailed route approval process.

Affected landowners and Indigenous peoples who have concerns with the proposed route of the pipeline must file a Statement of Opposition (SOO). This applies to those who would like the NEB to review a prior detailed route decision, hold a new hearing or proceed with a detailed route hearing that was previously underway. Instructions and forms to do so are on the NEB’s website and Process Advisors are available to provide assistance.

Today’s decision follows a public comment period, held from June 21 – July 9, 2019, where affected parties, the company and the public were invited to provide input on the NEB’s proposed approach to resuming regulatory processes for the Project, including any proposed alternatives.

In consideration of the comments received, this decision sets out how all regulatory processes for the Project will move forward. Written reasons for the NEB’s decision will follow and will be shared publicly.

The NEB will continue to keep Canadians informed as processes resume and next steps for the Project to begin.

Source: Company Press Release