UK-based Lloyd’s Register Group (LR) has secured a contract to support LNG Canada with the safe construction and delivery of a new LNG liquefaction plant and export terminal.

Under the 55-month contract, LR will perform third party verification and Canadian Registration Number (CRN) services at the time of pre-commissioning, commissioning and start-up phases of the LNG facility located in Kitimat, British Columbia, Canada.

The contract enables LR to become the only third-party verifier working on Canadian LNG projects.

According to LR, the third party verification services will ensure that the individual components, which have been constructed and tested, are in line with the quality assurance programme expected by Liquefied Natural Gas Facility Regulation (LNGFR).

LR will validate Technical Integrity Verification plans

LR Americas Marine & Offshore president John Hicks said: “Winning this major project demonstrates LR’s strong capability and long history in the LNG space, following recent wins with Goldboro, Bearhead and LNG Canada, three of the largest LNG projects in Canada makes LR the preferred classification society to work with in Canada.

“We are incredibly proud to be awarded this contract and look forward to working with all the stakeholders, including BCOGC and LNGFR on this project.”

LR will also validate Technical Integrity Verification plans for engineering, fabrication and commissioning, and the Change Management Plan (CMP) for the project’s design and construction phases.

Additionally, the firm will provide audit and engineering services to verify the compliance of safety critical equipment and systems.

LR will use a British Columbia Alternative Safety Approach (ASA) for the CRN services to demonstrate compliance with the power, boiler, pressure vessel and refrigeration safety regulation.