Following changes to the Board composition the Directors of Kairos Minerals Limited (the Company or KAI) have engaged in a high- level review of the Company’s mineral project portfolio as well as costs across the board. The Directors have resolved to initiate a strategic review of the assets with the assistance of an independent third party.

The strategic review will assess KAI’s Pilbara lithium and gold assets as well as the Roe Hill project to determine the best avenues for maximising shareholder value, be it through further exploration, onboarding strategic / cornerstone partners, joint venture arrangements, assets sales or assets spin-off.

To assist in this review, the Company has engaged Corporate & Resource Consultants Pty Ltd (CRC) for a period of six months. CRC will also assist KAI in the identification and recruitment of suitable management who have technical expertise in the lithium and gold sectors.

In addition to a monthly retainer fee, CRC will be issued with 50 million unlisted options (Options) in KAI, exercisable at $0.05 and expiring on 1 May 2026. The Options will be issued under the Company’s existing placement capacity under ASX Listing Rule 7.1.