Aukam graphite is situated in brittle ductile synthetic shear zones exhibiting Riedel shearing. The host rocks consist of granites and gneiss. The synthetic shear zone consists of a strike at 240° to 260° with a sub-vertical dip. Riedel shears observed within the interpreted extensional regime strike at 305° to 320° and provide a conduit for graphite to precipitate within the existing fault structures. Graphite appears to precipitate in jog structures and irregular veins due to an increase of pressure. The shear zone, with its host rock, is expected to continue in the new EPL applications with graphite mineralization propagating from the East and terminating in the West.
The Company is putting together a reconnaissance mapping and sampling program to study its graphite bearing ability of the shear along the strike.

Gratomic’s CO-CEO Arno Brand stated, “Through applying for additional ground, Gratomic will be able to explore the extent of the shear zone along the strike. Having followed the shear zone hosting the graphite to the end of available outcrop, our expectation is that it continues along strike below the aeolian sand cover.”

Source: Company Press Release