Federal Environmental Assessment Update:

As part of the Federal Environmental Assessment (“EA”) process, the Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency (“CEAA”) accepted the Company’s submissions on March 14, 2019, and resumes the federally legislated timeline to approve the EA and register a decision. CEAA has undergone an extensive technical review of the draft documentation.

Under the EA process, the remaining legislated timeline includes a formal review along with a 30-day final public comment period on a draft EA Report and potential conditions of approval, and up to 60 days for a ministerial decision at which point the federal government renders a decision notice.

Community Update:

Treasury continues to focus on community relations related to the EA process to ensure local stakeholder inputs are reflected in the EA process and as part of the overall development of the Project.

The Company is also pleased to announce the signing of an Engagement Agreement with Wabauskang First Nation (“Wabauskang” or the “Community”). The purpose of the agreement is to establish a framework for meaningful information sharing and communication and forms a roadmap for continued engagement with the Community. This engagement will facilitate the Community’s ability to understand the impact of the project and allows for the Company to better understand the Community’s viewpoints moving forward as part of Goliath’s development and design process.

Source: Company Press Release