The innovative European water technology company GoAigua has brought its smart water platform to the US market. Opening its North American headquarters in New York City, GoAigua is helping utilities unlock maximum potential of their data and turn it into action. The company offers advanced software solutions to water utilities to harness connectivity between customer, asset management, and operations & maintenance processes.

GoAigua is the brainchild of Global Omnium – a major European water utility based in Valencia, Spain. With 130 years of operating experience and more than 4 million customers worldwide, Global Omnium pairs depth of knowledge from a large utility with cutting edge technology. Today, GoAigua is helping hundreds of cities in Europe, Latin America, Middle East, and Africa navigate their water digital transformation, and be prepared to the evolve amid the IoT revolution.
“We have a unique value proposition,” says Pablo Calabuig, CEO of the US subsidiary “Our platform and solutions were developed by utility operators and IT professionals, and have been helping more than 400 utilities save billions of gallons of water, improve energy efficiency, and become incredibly resilient systems.”

GoAigua integrates real time and historical information from the SCADAs, GIS, ERP, AMI, CMMS, IoT sensors, and other key systems of the utility. Today they are processing more 6 billion data points every year to provide drinking water, wastewater, stormwater, and irrigation systems with unprecedented operating results. Examples include the reduction of non-revenue water by more than 40%, increase in O&M efficiency by 20%, improvement of customer experience by more than 60%, and reduction of risk through one of the only worldwide operating Digital Twins in the City of Valencia (Spain).

This is technically possible thanks to the scalability of their platform, their capability to integrate data from any existing technology or vendor, and the ease of connecting with legacy systems of the utility.

GoAigua’s local team is growing fast. The recent incorporation of Brad Dreier, VP Business Development, and Ken Wong, Director of Implementation and Customer Success gives GoAigua a strategic edge to turn data into action for their US utility clients and succeed in their expansion.