FTC Solar has already designed over a dozen utility-scale projects spanning hundreds of MWs in Australia and is expanding its local presence to focus on the delivery of its new Voyager single-axis tracker. Voyager recently achieved Independent Engineering compliance for key Australian codes and standards, and FTC Solar has signed commitment letters with customers to deliver 190MWp of the product in 2019.
Voyager is a next generation, single-axis tracker that provides industry-leading ease of installation, performance, and reliability, driving the lowest total installed cost. The FTC team that brings the Voyager tracker to market does so with the experience of designing and installing GWs of third-party single-axis tracker projects in addition to delivering over 1 GW of FTC Solar’s AP90 tracker.
The Voyager tracker is designed with an architecture that requires the fewest posts/module, the least DC cabling, and among the most efficient installation processes in the industry. And, the single row, 2-portrait module mounting architecture allows engineers to make the most of the available land while maintaining suitable accessibility for cleaning and mowing in higher GCR designs. What this all means is that the Voyager tracker provides the lowest installed cost per watt in the industry.
FTC Solar is a global organization whose regional offices provide the best support to regional customers. Led by Cameron Meekin, Director, FTC Australia continues FTC Solar’s tradition of supporting both local customers and economies. “Australia’s solar industry has grown exponentially in the last few years and is poised to continue this trajectory,” said FTC Solar’s CEO, Tony Etnyre. “FTC Solar’s experience in designing large-scale PV projects combined with our industry-leading tracker technology positions us to enable Australia’s continued renewable energy growth.”
Source: Company Press Release